Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Keyconex, Not Your Average Social Network

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Blogger, Snap Chat, Reddit, Vine, MySpace, Periscope…There’s a million social networks out there and it seems like a new one comes out every day. And they all do some version of posting pictures, statuses, and videos to share with your peers. So why should you figure out another social network?

Keyconex is built to stand out from the pack of all the same social networks. First of all, we’re here to connect the business-to-business industry. Instead of connecting one individual with another, Keyconex connects one business with another business. Just how LinkedIn connects the business community on an individual basis, Keyconex will connect companies with each other.

Also, the majority of all these social networks are for fun. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more serve to entertain, connect, and inform us. Sure businesses can use these social networks to connect with their audience and advertise, but that’s not what it was created for. Only LinkedIn was designed to connect business people with their colleagues, but still that is only on an individual basis. 

Keyconex has a real purpose beyond networking for businesses too. Here’s a problem businesses commonly face: they want a new business partner, supplier, or investor, but don’t know how to go about finding them. They try a Google search, but they’re bombarded with thousands of search results that aren’t what they’re looking for. Or you sign up for a freelancer website only to have applicants not respond back and have an added fee tacked onto their hourly rate. Keyconex solves that problem.

Businesses looking for new products and services can save time by utilizing the Keyconex network of products and services. Instead of searching with Google, you won’t get any sponsored or unrelated results in Keyconex. It works great for those businesses who want to showcase what they offer on Keyconex as well. For a reasonable monthly or annual rate, companies can build a Keyconex profile to showcase what they have to offer. Not only that, but they have access to customers that are interested in their products and services. That’s not advertising; that’s a new source of customers. It’s a win-win for both types of businesses. Those looking for products can find it simply and rest assured is a credible business and those providing can get new customers, expanding their market to the entire world.

Social media marketing is already being seen as a real business tool, but now you’re convinced that Keyconex is made for those in the business community. There’s no cat videos or Buzzfeed articles here. Keyconex just solves a problem that almost every business faces. Count down the days until we launch in September and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ while you wait.

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