Thursday, September 3, 2015

With Keyconex, the World is Your Oyster

Right now the possibilities of companies to work with is limited by the house hold name national brands, the prominent local companies around you, and whatever companies have paid the most to be featured high in the Google results. There’s a whole world of businesses out there that you don’t know about. While you’re making do working with a company that kind of meets your needs, there could be a company out there that meets your needs exactly but how would you ever know?

Stepping out of your comfort zone to try out a new way of finding products and services could allow you to broaden your horizons. The world is getting smaller every day. You don’t just have to be a national company anymore, you have to be a global company. But how do you take advantages of these global opportunities? Keyconex is a new B2B social network that connects businesses that are either across the street or across the globe.
Who wouldn’t want their business to grow? But growing involves working with partners you haven’t met, finding resources not in your budget, with time you don’t have. Keyconex can connect you with all of this. Using Keyconex means you have access to a community of global product and service providers. Everything you need is only a few clicks away. Is it just us, or did the world just get a whole lot smaller?

Not only is it easier to find companies, Keyconex also makes it a lot easier for companies to find what you offer. With a free Keyconex profile, potential customers can find you by searching for your name, but when you purchase a subscription you can add keywords like skills, location, and language to be found more frequently in the search results.
You may speak a different language, live in a different part of the world, and use a different currency, but with Keyconex being your translator you’ll find you’re a lot more similar than you are different. We’re not up and running yet, but if you connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ you’ll be the first person who knows when we launch.

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