When you want to find a new restaurant, where you go? You do
a Google search. When you want to get directions to your vacation spot, you do
a Google search. For easy quick questions, Google is the perfect database of
information to turn to. You have a question and Google has an answer.
Choosing a new business partner is a lot like choosing a
spouse. You have to go through a lot of the wrong partners to find the right
one, once you find them, you tend to be together for a long time, and when the
partnership fails it leads to a messy separation. So do you really want to
trust a simple fix like Google to a decision as important as finding a new
business partner?
Back when the internet was a lot better place, Google
provided more organic results. When you searched for a Web Designer in San
Francisco, you got genuinely the best result. But now, there are so many ways
for Google results to be skewed.
The first way you aren’t getting true results from Google,
is by their Sponsored Results. You know, they’re the top three results that are
boxed in and say sponsored in fine print. It’s easy to think that they are the
best results because at first glance, they’re relevant to your search and
they’re at the very top. But these results are paying big bucks to show up for
what you searched. Once you click on these results, you may find it’s not
really what you were looking for. Then, you get so distracted you forgot what
you were looking for in the first place.
Another way Google makes it hard to find the right results
is through their algorithm. It’s a really complicated procedure to come up with
the results and in what order they’ll come in. And miraculously, Google
fulfills this algorithm in less than a second for every search. But there’s
methods aren’t set in stone. There are approved methods of approved methods of
improving a website’s SEO called “white hat” methods and unapproved methods of
improving SEO called “black hat” methods. So Google isn’t putting the best
results first, they’re putting the ones that follow their rules first.
With all of these distractions, it’s no wonder you can’t
find what you’re looking for in the Google results. So, what’s the alternative
to finding a trusted business partner online? It’s an entirely new kind of
social network called Keyconex that is geared for the Business-to-Business
community. Keyconex saw a huge for this need and we think we did a good job of
providing it.
Businesses you can trust advertise their products and
services on Keyconex. When you look for a web design company or a new supplier,
you find them on Keyconex without any of the filler results or pesky
distractions. Whether the company is down the road or across the globe, you can
find them and connect with them on Keyconex.
Have you always dreamed of opening another location? Find
the capital, resources, supplies, or business partners you need to expand on
Keyconex. Are you spending a fortune shipping products across the world?
Keyconex makes it possible to manufacture them close by to avoid shipping. Are
you looking for a free way to advertise your products and services? Keyconex
brings customers to you instead of having to track customers down.
Bottom line, the possibilities are endless for how you can use Keyconex. Find out more about it when we launch in September, or better yet create a free Keyconex profile. In the meantime, find out more about it by following our social networks.